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Welcome to   👋 White Belt Media

Leading Marketing Agency for Martial Arts Gyms.

We are Jiu Jitsu practitioners who are also experts at social media marketing who get more students into your gym.

How We Will Grow Your Gym 🚀

We specialize in martial arts marketing. With our expertise, we'll target the right audience for you.

We will boost your membership numbers and then assist you in enhancing profitability.
Get to Know your Gym

We will initially spend time understanding the inner workings of your gym, the culture you have and want to build, and the target demographic that you want to grow

Run ads on your behalf

We then take that information, look at the demographics of your area, and create the perfect ad to get you qualified leads

Leads see the Ad &
fill out the form

Leads will begin pouring in, and our team will personally reach out and connect with them.

We schedule leads
to come in!

We get them to come to your gym ASAP, and provide you all relevant information to give them a wonderful experience

We stay in touch
until they join.

Its your job to provide a wonderful experience, but we will handle objections and encourage them to sign up

We support your
Entire Business.

Marketing is crucial! Full classes don't ensure optimal profitability.
We navigate obstacles, helping you excel beyond capacity.
We offer guidance to overcome obstacles and maximize success.

At White Belt Media, our mission is to empower martial arts gyms to thrive through comprehensive marketing solutions and strategic guidance.

We are committed to helping gym owners attract and retain a dedicated community, fostering sustainable growth and success within the dynamic world of martial arts and fitness. 

Our Mission 🎯

Book a 15-minute free consultation with Wes now to discover how we can elevate your membership numbers and boost your profits!
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